Reverse Lookup
Easily perform a Reverse Lookup of an unknown number from your call log.
Get it from the Android Market

Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: I'm having trouble downloading the app, what can I do?
A: If your download won't start, try cancelling and restarting it. If it still doesn't start, reboot your phone and try again. If these steps don't solve your issue, you'll need to contact Google Market support for more assistance.(This is a Market issue, not specific to our app)

Q: How do I unblock callers that I blocked using the app?
A: Blocked callers are stored in your phone's contacts. To unblock them, scroll to the bottom of your contacts list and find the entries with the "zBlocked" prefix. Just delete these contacts to unblock the callers.

Q: Why isn't the main screen of the app showing my latest incoming calls?
A: (Please be sure you have the latest version of Reverse Lookup from the Android Market) If you find that the main screen isn't reflecting your phone's call log, exit out of the app by using the BACK button on your phone. This will completely kill the process and when you restart the app, it will refresh according to your current call log.

Q: How do I clear the numbers listed on the app's main screen?
A: This list is populated from your phone's call log. You can delete numbers from the main log and they will also dissapear from the app also.

Q: Why doesn't this app show me blocked/hidden callers?
A: This is impossible. Those numbers are hidden to your phone, so there's no way an app could uncover them. That is not the intent of this application.

Q: When will the app be updated again?
A: We're looking to push out the next update between August 6th and 9th, 2010.

Q: Why does this app require location permissions?
A: The free version of Reverse Lookup is funded by ad revenue. In order to make these ads more relevant to you, our ad supplier will consider your physical location when serving ads. (No personally identifying information is taken, just your location). This is beneficial to everyone: you get ads that you may actually be interested in, and it better helps to continue to fund development in our software. If you want to avoid the location permission, the paid version of Reverse Lookup is ad-free and does not require it.

    Quick Notes and Updates from Twitter:      

Current Version: 1.9.10
  • Various bug fixes
  • Exiting the app using the BACK button kills the process completely
  • New launcher icon

  • Get caller information for unknown callers.
  • If available, view location data
  • Fully integrated with Google maps and your phone's contact database.
  • Manual entry for checking any number that you want.
  • The best free United States app of it's kind on the Android market!


    Main Screen:
    The main screen of the app lists all unknown numbers that currently appear in your phone's call log. Clicking on any number will begin the lookup process.. scouring several sources to find as much information as possible. The more sources the app has to check, the longer the search may take. The speed of your data connection can also affect the length of time it takes to return results.

    Manual Entry:
    You can enter numbers to search manually by pressing your phone's Menu button on the main screen. Press the manual lookup button and then type or paste a phone number into the text box. It doesn't matter if the number includes dashes or not.

    Manage the contents of the main screen:
    To manage the contents of the app's main screen, just clear the unneeded numbers from your phone's call log.

    Recommended Uses:
    Of course, this app is useful for looking up your missed calls to see if it was a legitimate call or a telemarketer(or worse, a bill collector!).. but why not give it a shot at identifying those numbers that you called a few days ago that you can't remember the owner of? We also use this application all the time when we look up business numbers on Google to easily add them to our contact's list after we call them.